
Moving The Forum – Chapter 1: Approaching

On October 9, 2021, from 4pm to 9pm, four teams of artists will be presenting the results of their work created for the first chapter, entitled Approaching, on site of the Humboldt Forum. 

With Restless Objects, Hagar Ophir questions the display of “absence” and proposes a rehearsal of emptying the exhibition space from its objects.

Tamar Grosz, Guilherme Morais, Marcelo Omine, and Emilio Gordoa work in Das ist kein Spiel with a group of young students to undermine hierarchies and structures of control with perspectives of the young.

Listening Bodies, an investigation by Gabriele Reuter, Marcelo Schmittner and Charlotte Virgile into the last forty years of the Humboldt Forum site, explores companionship and aural history as intersectionality is addressed in one-on-one formats. Due to limited number of participants, pre-registration at the information desk is necessary for Listening Bodies. Start: 16.30 / 17.10 / 17.50 / 19.10 / 19.50

Miguel Witzke Pereira‘s performance and video installation Warrior traces lost events and reclaims occupied space. The starting point of his artistic research is the Skulpturensaal am Schlüterhof.

The performances will be looped and accompanied by discursive events that take up the topics of the works.We are very much looking forward to welcoming you on site.

We work together with a group of 31 kids to create a playful choreography of sound and performance. We present the children’s interplayed reaction to the HF, touching the problematic tradition of colonialism and cultural appropriation.


Our project aim is to create an in-depth conversation with the teens of a 7th grade class (Robert-Blum-Schule) about the HF. At first, the kids were presented with the topics of Colonialism, of cultural appropriation/appreciation  and of social rules. The topic interconnect and work as guidelines for the kids to understand the power that lies in a public performance. We meet once a  week online or in person, and practice together artistic forms of movement/  sound/ spoken text and performance. Through fun investigation and playful  games, we try to open a space for the kids to express how the topic touches  them.

Research Questions

How to approach an artistic work, which in this case includes complex discourses, with a group of 7th grade young people?
We explore performative games as a media to touch complex subjects, (such as: colonialism, cultural appreciation/appropriation, social rules (in a museum) as a social construction).
How do we, the team leaders, work together with the teens, and not impose our authority on the work but facilitate a space for their voices.
How can we play with sound and body in a space like the FH?
How does the place make us feel?
How would we like to react to it?
Is there a reaction, a comment, an idea, the kids would like to express with an audience?
How can it be transmitted?

Guilherme Morais

Marcelo Omine

Emilio Gordoa

Tamar Grosz