15.09.2021 Listening bodies

Our research aim – “Listening Bodies”

Our research aim – “Listening Bodies”

Gabriele Reuter, Marcelo Schmittner, Charlotte Virgile

For our project ” Listening Bodies”, we are working with a team of 6 participants who want to engage with the building of the Humboldt Forum and the controversial history of this place. In several joint meetings between the end of August and the beginning of October this year, we will develop an artistic work together- several short performative listening walks that will accompany future visitors of the Humboldt Forum through the current building, and also remind them of previous architectures such as the Palace of the Republic. The audio walk summarizes the group’s observations, memories, and critical discussions that will emerge during the collaborative work process that is taking place during our residency. Together with excerpts from interviews of contemporary witnesses of the last 50 years and small observation, perception and sensorial tasks,it will then become a kind of audio puzzle for a very individual experience of the place, an invitation to listen, and to create space to relate to each other.

Connecting to our body, body memories

Instant improvisation

Creating a group movement

Exploration, interaction, disruption

Finding a safe space

Accompanying / Exchanging

Creating a shift in the manner the body exist in the museum space.